Natalie Harris-Spencer

Author of published words

With an MFA in Creative Writing, multiple publications in fiction journals, magazines, and anthologies, and literary agent representation, Natalie is a professional, prize-winning writer who has been working in the digital content space for over 15 years.

While Natalie has written everything from blog posts, to career advice, to kids’ TV scripts, her true love lies in writing twisted thrillers. Her debut novel is coming soon.

Natalie Harris-Spencer Headshot
Natalie Harris-Spencer Bridge Shot

Writer. Editor. Digital content professional.

Natalie Harris-Spencer is an English writer and digital marketer living in America. Her work has appeared in Pleiades, Subnivean, the Stonecoast Review, Hobart, The Satirist, and others. She is the winner of the Chestnut Review Stubborn Writers Contest, the Hummingbird Flash Fiction Prize, and she was selected by Oyster River Pages as one of their Emerging Fiction Voices. She earned her MFA in Creative Writing at Stonecoast, University of Southern Maine and she is the Editor-in-Chief of Aspiring Author. She is currently working on her debut novel with her literary agent. Natalie enjoys surprise in fiction. And tea. Find her author pages on Amazon and Goodreads.

In her day job, Natalie is Director of Digital Marketing for a global advertising technology leader, with 15+ years creating, project managing, and delivering world-class web content and global digital strategies across a wide suite of omni-channel, cross-platform, multi-device products. She has spent 12 years leading, growing, and nurturing teams of digital champions. The bulk of her career has been spent devising the global digital strategy and overseeing global website transformation projects for the world’s largest entertainment company, Sony. Connect with her on LinkedIn.

Natalie Harris-Spencer
Writer. Editor. Digital content professional.
Select Publications

What readers are saying

Natalie’s prize-winning work has been acclaimed orally, digitally, and in print.

I liked the stories I read in this issue. The first story was a little brutal, but clever.

Amazon Reviewer

On "Phrenology"

A neat portrait packed full of colorful descriptions and vivid imagery.

Bob Thurber, Judge of the Hummingbird Flash Fiction Prize

On "The Art of Ironing"

I love this story. The writing is pristine, evocative, clever, funny.

Chestnut Review

On "Fish Mother"

Gritty, not pretty… the editors have a good eye for the surprising story.

Amazon Reviewer

On "Daddy Ryder"

I can see all of this happening like a movie in my mind… Just beautiful.

Li Hua-yuan Mowry, Dartmouth College Professor Emeritus

On "Terminal Never"

Absolute banger.

Chestnut Review

On "Fish Mother"

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